
Halo 4 Xbox 360 Multiplayer Offline

Nicholas loves video games, and he loves playing with his friends via split-screen even more.

This list includes the top 15 Xbox 360 games, plus some bonus titles that didn't quite make the cut.

This listing includes the top 15 Xbox 360 games, plus some bonus titles that didn't quite make the cut.

The Top fifteen Split-Screen Xbox 360 Games

This guide includes 15 of the greatest Xbox 360 local split-screen games you can play with your friends on the same panel. Each entry includes a brief clarification to help you selection which ones y'all'd like to endeavour.

I've too included some bonus games towards the bottom of the article for those that are fun but didn't quite make the cut. I have played all these myself and definitely recommend them!

If you know of any other great split-screen games not featured on this list, delight share them in the comment section below!

1. Borderlands 1, ii, & 3

Release Year: 2009 / 2012 / 2019

Publisher: 2K Games

Genre: FPS

This serial is one of my personal favorites. Borderlands combines first-person shooter action with part-playing game character progression. Players can cull between four characters, each with their ain skill tree. Players complete quests and missions, leveling up to each game's epic ending. The arsenal includes hundreds of thousands of weapons, and vehicle-to-vehicle combat is intense.

If you lot're interested, Borderlands Pre-Sequel includes the backstory behind Borderlands 2'south villain, Handsome Jack. So if you plan to check that 1 out, play the originals first!

Borderlands Triple Pack

Damon Baird, the snarky lieutenant from "Gears of War 1."

Damon Baird, the snarky lieutenant from "Gears of State of war 1."

2. Gears of State of war one, 2, & iii

Release Twelvemonth: 2006 / 2008 / 2011

Publisher: Microsoft Studios

Genre: TPS

This is a neat third-person shooter series that will bring you hundreds of hours of fun in either campaign, horde, or versus modes. Follow the troops of Delta Squad as they brand their final-ditch effort to salvage the planet Sera from the subterranean Locust Hordes and their mutant counterparts, the Lambent.

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For practiced reason, the Gears of War series is among the about played on Xbox Alive. Each game features comprehend-based combat, so players can hide behind objects to avoid gunfire. Each one also offers several different multiplayer modes, allowing players to compete against one some other or team upward to battle AI opponents.

Harper, comrade-in-arms to operative David Mason in "Call of Duty: Black Ops."

Harper, comrade-in-arms to operative David Bricklayer in "Call of Duty: Black Ops."

3. Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 & 2

Release Year: 2010 / 2012

Publisher: Activision

Genre: FPS

Set in the year 2025, this is the next installation in the COD series. Black Ops 2 has a lot of changes and improvements that gear up information technology above the earlier episodes and get in shine. The Zombies way can be played split-screen or with up to iv players online. In other modes, information technology is possible for up to eight players to play online.

Zombies mode offers many hours of fun killing. Plus, if you become three other players, you lot can do some nice multiplayer play. Don't screen-cheat! Working together, you lot can create a strategy—build "zombie trains," utilize perks, Pack-a-Punch your weapons, and pick them off one by ane. Once you've got it down, attempt searching for the Easter eggs scattered across each map!

4. Telephone call of Duty: Modernistic Warfare three

Release Year: 2011

Publisher: Activision

Genre: FPS

All the same some other COD game. Tin yous arraign me? The series just hosts co-op play and so well. Needless to say, the Survival or Special Ops modes are a lot of fun to play with a friend. In Survival way, you and your partner can earn in-game money to purchase new weapons, upgrades, etc. The more enemies you kill, the more XP y'all'll earn, which and so unlocks fifty-fifty more than purchasable options. I put in over lx hours with my friend in the first ii weeks I had the game. Yeah, I'g a fanboy. Kinda.

This game takes place right later Modernistic Warfare 2, and similarly follows Task Force 141. They must piece of work together to hunt down the Russian terrorist—and main antagonist of the terminal game—Vladimir Makarov.

5. Halo: Combat Evolved

Release Twelvemonth: 2001

Publisher: Xbox Game Studios

Genre: FPS

The introduction of this series definitely boosted Xbox sales. The game has bang-up co-op campaigns, heavily influenced by military and science fiction. An interstellar war has broken out between humanity and the Covenant, a religious alliance of aliens. In the main campaign, it's upwardly to y'all, Master Master, to stop them.

Combat Evolved is the kickoff in the series, and it is still one of the best video games of all time. Though information technology doesn't await as pretty as newer Halo games, creative weapons with unique purposes, dual melee detail/weapon functionality, and powerful AI allies (when not playing split-screen) proved that it was mode ahead of its time.

vi. Halo iii & 4

Release Twelvemonth: 2007 / 2012

Publisher: Xbox Game Studios

Genre: FPS

These two games make upwards the fantastic conclusion to the story ready into motion in Combat Evolved. In both titles, you return as Master Chief to thwart the Covenant, an brotherhood of hostile aliens . . . again. Yous can play through the regular entrada with a partner via separate-screen. Halo iv also has a four-role player, split-screen option for some modes, and it is definitely the all-time co-op gameplay in the series (in my opinion).

Halo 3 includes new weapons, a multifariousness of vehicles to operate, and a new class of gear called "equipment." Halo 4 upgraded weapons from previous titles, and includes armor abilities that were introduced in Halo: Reach.

seven. Halo: Reach

Release Year: 2014

Publisher: Xbox Game Studios

Genre: FPS

Here's another first-person shooter game, similar to Combat Evolved, since it is the direct prequel to the game. Instead of Primary Main, you play equally Noble Six, an elite supersoldier. Six's must fight against an alien invasion of the human colony, Reach.

Aside from a fresh plot, his game has a great new improver: Firefight. In this mode, players take on waves of enemies, and you can customize the waves to your liking. In that location is too Firefight Versus, in which your Elite team works together to score points confronting a Spartan squad.

Work together to defeat the horde of infected in the "Left 4 Dead" series.

Piece of work together to defeat the horde of infected in the "Left 4 Expressionless" series.

8. Left 4 Dead 1 & 2

Release Year: 2008 / 2009

Publisher: Valve

Genre: Multiplayer Survival Horror

These games characteristic great zombie-killing fun. At that place are vi campaigns, and the modes bachelor are:

  • Campaign
  • Versus
  • Survival
  • Single-Thespian

When playing split-screen, 2 players can work together. In versus mode, four people tin play at the same fourth dimension. This is a must-have for all zombie fans. Join your friends to play as survivors in a post-apocalyptic globe. Fights hordes of those infected by the "Green Flu." As each player progresses, they volition find new and more powerful weapons, and will be given the choice to choose between a submachine and a pump-activeness shotgun earlier each entrada.

Left 4 Expressionless ii is a sequel that includes a bonus fashion (scavenge) and five new campaigns. Each campaign includes three to 5 divide levels, all revolving around survivors trying to get to safe zones and away from the diseased. Each actor tin can deport one each of v types of equipment: primary weapons, secondary weapons, throwable weapons, major medical supplies, and pocket-size medical supplies.

"Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon" is a spinoff of the original series.

"Earth Defence Force: Insect Armageddon" is a spinoff of the original series.

9. Globe Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

Release Year: 2011

Publisher: D3 Publisher

Genre: TPS

This is a lower-budget series made by a Japanese company, but it is all the same a lot of fun. The series revolves around the Earth Defense Force who protects the planet from potentially hostile conflicting beings. In this championship, your job is to take the role of The World Defence Force and protect Detroit with aid from bio-engineered terrestrial insects. Your role player goes by "Lightning Alpha," and they must lead an aristocracy squad of fighters, known equally "Strike Force Lightning."

Insect Armageddon is the fourth game in the Globe Defense force series, and the beginning ane to enable online co-op play. It includes a six-player survival mode where you and a squad of EDF soldiers must hold off waves of murderous insects.

10. Dungeon Defenders

Release Year: 2011

Publisher: Reverb Triple XP

Genre: Action-RPG

Dungeon Defenders is a very fun strategy Xbox Live Arcade serial. The games combine belfry defense, part-play, and activeness/fantasy. With assist from a band of wizards and warriors, yous control a hero that fights to protect crystals from waves of enemies (goblins, orcs, kobolds, ogres, and wyverns). Each level consists of five waves, followed by a final moving ridge with a boss battle. To protect your crystals, you must create, maintain, and upgrade your defenses. Upwardly to four players can play separate-screen, and the difficulty and specifications are decided by the hosting player.

Think strategically and use your resources to stay alive in "Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter."

Think strategically and use your resources to stay live in "Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter."

11. Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

Release Yr: 2006

Publisher: Ubisoft

Genre: Tactical Shooter

Tom Clancy'south series of Ghost Recon games feature shooting as role of a U.S. Special Forces unit. The games brainstorm in Russian federation, but Advanced Warfighter takes place in Mexico Urban center and features side by side-generation weapons, graphics, and combat mechanics. Advanced Warfighter is the tertiary championship of the Ghost Recon series. Players piece of work as tactical shooters, taking comprehend and thinking strategically to stay alive. In the Xbox 360 version, you are given a pick to use third-person or first-person perspective during the campaign.

12. Resident Evil 5 & 6

Release Yr: 2009 / 2012

Publisher: Capcom

Genre: TPS

Resident Evil half dozen is one of my favorite TPS games, but Resident Evil 5 shares a like split-screen mode. The shooting mechanic isn't the all-time, but the split up-screen co-op stresses teamwork and can raise the campaign feel. Adding a partner will cause the game to reload at the last checkpoint, and they volition take to look until you reach the adjacent i, or restart the previous one. Only you can heal your partner, and vice versa.

The Resident Evil serial revolves around a revolving cast of characters trying to save the world from biological-related doom. Resident Evil 5 features Chris Redfield (a RE mainstay) and his partner, Sheva Alomar, who must investigate the illegal dealings of bio-organic weapons in Africa. Resident Evil six, all the same, takes place 4 years after RE v with 7 unlike playable characters—almost of whom are from previous games—that must fight a worldwide battle against the emerging C-Virus.

xiii. Legend III

Release Year: 2010

Publisher: Xbox Game Studios

Genre: Open up Earth RPG

Fable 3 takes place 50 years after the 2nd title on the fictional continent of Albion. You play equally an exiled prince or princess who tin be anything you want to be—the sky is the limit. But once you lot merits your rightful throne, the twist is that the consequences of your choices up to that signal come crashing down on y'all. In co-op way, your partner can bring their own grapheme, items, etc. into your world. Having a partner makes combat a breeze, and every particular you pick up betwixt battles volition evidence up in their inventory equally well. A role-playing, hack-slash blazon game that is really fun for many hours.

14. Rainbow 6: Vegas

Release Year: 2006

Publisher: Ubisoft

Genre: FPS

Rainbow Half dozen: Vega due south is the sixth game of the first-person shooter series, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. This fourth dimension, the Rainbox team must go toe to toe with the Mexican terrorist, Irena Morales, who is smuggling criminals into usa. Information technology features a new health organization in which the actor tin can regenerate when resting. But if the player is unable to heal and go on taking harm, the screen will begin to blur. In terms of gainsay, the A.I. enemies are more aggressive and intelligent than they were in by titles. The game also includes network and Xbox Live multiplayer options.

15. Unreal Tournament 3

Release Year: 2007

Publisher: Midway Games

Genre: FPS

Merely like previous titles in the series, Unreal Tournament three has diverse vehicles and game modes. Information technology has a great FPS campaign that comes in viii unlike modes:

  • Deathmatch
  • Squad Deathmatch
  • Capture the Flag
  • Duel
  • Warfare
  • Betrayal
  • Greed
  • Vehicle CTF

The unmarried-player entrada revolves effectually a Necris attack on an unknown space colony using an army of Krall. Overall, information technology'south a fun entrada and the carve up-screen gameplay is fun to play with a friend who enjoys the anarchy.

More Co-Op Games to Play

Here are some bonus games that didn't quite make the top 15. They are not listed in any particular order.

  • All Zombies Must Dice: An Xbox Alive arcade game that is really fun for the cost. Totally worth the download.
  • Ground forces of Ii: Another shooter that'due south decent co-op fun. Either you like information technology or you don't.
  • Castle Crashers: An Xbox Live arcade featuring four-player split-screen with a lot of (immature) fun.
  • Dungeon Siege iii: An RPG that is pretty fun if you're into RPGs; if non, don't try it.
  • Dynasty Warriors vi: A JRPG hack and slash game. Fun for those who similar arcade fighters.
  • The Expendables 2: Great XBL Arcade game features a four-player split-screen co-op.
Become the champ of high kicks in "Tekken 6."

Get the champ of loftier kicks in "Tekken half dozen."

  • Family Guy: Dorsum to the Multiverse: Has pretty fun separate-screen co-op, just information technology is very brusk, and you'll terminate inside five to six hours and never play again. So this game would be great to hire or borrow, merely definitely not buy.
  • Kane & Lynch: A pretty horrible game, simply the co-op features are a lot of fun.
  • Lost Planet 2: Third-person shooter game that is kind of annoying, but the co-op is pretty good.
  • Mortal Kombat: Arcade fighting game with pretty expert co-op gameplay in ladders and fifty-fifty online matches.
  • Outfit: A very cheap game that is actually very fun. Give this one a try for sure.
  • Rage: FPS co-op Missions are really fun, but it'll but take a few hours to beat it.
  • Splinter Cell: Conviction: Great stealth, tertiary-person shooter action. Really addictive and fun.
  • Tekken six: An arcade fighting game to show your friends how not bad y'all are.
  • Tekken Tag Tournament ii: A fun, arcade fighting game that you and a friend can dominate and work together to defeat other teams effectually the globe for peachy competition.

Co-Op Game Poll

Xbox 360 Model Comparison


Xbox 360 Xbox 360 S Xbox 360 E

Compatible with Arcade, Cadre Premium, and Elite configurations

Congenital-in Wi-Fi

No AV port (HDMI only)

No HDMI output

iv or 250 GB of storage

Runs more quietly

Arcade model does non include a hard drive

Upgraded cooling/heating

Visually similar to the Xbox One

Quick Question

Whatsoever Dissever Screen Game You Don't See Here?

xBoi on July 29, 2020:

I think you missed Call of Duty World at State of war. The game supports coop divide screen campaign and zombies mode. Also in entrada coop the players does not automatically die instead you lot get an option to revive him. The only COD with this feature.

grapiling claw on May 13, 2020:

hi people im special

noob on March 28, 2020:

disney infinity

Kang Liu on February 29, 2020:

Fear 3

yeet on October 22, 2019:

left 4 dead 1 and 2

Rebecca on May 16, 2019:

Sacred two

Log123 on November 22, 2018:


Paula on November 08, 2018:

Why is it ever advertised on a game that it is split screen co op, then you go the game and you deceit play campaign unless its online against others just not divide screen.

Gamer on July fifteen, 2018:

I likewise similar split screen then when a friend come over, we can squad up and play,

Lady Rascal on Feb 07, 2018:

My husband and I love to play borderlands together with the divide screen. wish they had more games with this option!

Ponynut on Nov xxx, 2017:

I accept enjoyed Splinter Jail cell: Blacklist, HALO 3 ODST, and Rainbow Half dozen: Vegas 2. It seems every bit if splitscreen co-op is becoming obselete, sadly. I judge it probably requires more than hours of additional coding and testing that don't really pay off in terms of game sales? It's too bad considering enjoying a game when you're really with someone is unique.

kumail on August 08, 2017:

minecraft is on xbox live

Rio on Baronial 06, 2017:

Army or Ii Devils Cartel

Mandy on March thirty, 2017:

Howdy. This is a peachy list. I have been looking for another game to play with my son, similar to halo. Which I know is hard to find. Merely this list gives a lot. But looking upwardly ghost recon advanced warfighter on our Xbox and it says mutiplayer-online. It doesn't say local. Does this mean we can't play split up screen!?

Darryl Maxwell on December 26, 2016:

Their is a newer EDF game chosen Earth Defence force Strength 2025. I retrieve there is another ane but I'thousand non certain.

Gabba on November 21, 2016:

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory has harder split up screen stealth than conviction, but information technology's still fun. The only trouble I have is that when you botch the job, you lot tin can't just gun everyone down like confidence. This is a pretty big trouble I have, since my two sisters love to play games with me

Joe on February 06, 2016:

Age Of Booty is a very fun pirates RTS Xbox 360 Marketplace game with online multiplayer for 8 players and 4 player splitscreen multiplayer. Its only £3.40 and is compatible with Xbox Ane consoles.

Metacritic rating: 73/100 period-of-boo...

Tronix on Nov 24, 2015:

Perfect Nighttime Zero?

Lula fink on Baronial 21, 2015:

Serious Sam 3 splendid splitscreen co-op game.

dtru d1rtym3x on June 01, 2015:

I would pay big money to have country of decay a two player. Information technology's a great game, challenging and nerve racking. It trips me out when a zombie jumps on me from behind lol its crazy.

TechnoDork437 on February 15, 2015:

I would accept liked to take seen Mercenaries two a split screen co op every bit well as Too Human.

SOMI4GAMES on Jan 22, 2015:

Titanfall Gameplay Walkthrough Function i Part 2

F34R Arch Affections on Dec 24, 2014:

107 in moon is my highest circular :D ill have to cheque my stats for the others lol

Annonymous on December 12, 2014:

No Far Weep three?

pauloa-pedroso on December 22, 2013:

bomberman? just trip the light fantastic toe?

bearding on July 20, 2013:

@ImmatureEntrepr: yous cute

bearding on June 18, 2013:

@shoefiend: 59 , not to brag

marvmac on June 14, 2013:

The all-time game i played and so far on the list would be the Left 4 Dead serial.

Nicholas Weller (author) on June 08, 2013:

@RainDefence LM: It doesn't accept split up screen capabilities. :(

RainDefence LM on May 08, 2013:

Dead Infinite 3 is some other that should be added to this listing. Admittedly I've not played it withal, but if information technology's like the previous 2 and I'm sure information technology volition be then it'southward got to be worth a look.

Takkhis on December 31, 2012:

It is keen to see your game list.

bearding on December 23, 2012:

@anonymous: Wooooow 56 here

anonymous on October xi, 2012:

Fable 2?

In my opion is ameliorate than fable 3 in the co-op perspective

anonymous on September 24, 2012:

@anonymous: upcoming indie games lens:

(guess it didn't come up through the first fourth dimension.)

anonymous on September 24, 2012:

Well done and useful. Great Lens. You've got a little minecraft mixed in in that location. If you're into indies, check my

jaclocla3 on September 01, 2012:

Thanks and so much for this nifty info! My son and I love to play XBox together. Our favorite is actually Star Wars Battlefront 2. I certain am lamentable they never made another game like that.

Nicholas Weller (author) on March 26, 2012:

@gbugmenot: Thanks!

gbugmenot on March 25, 2012:

Great lens

rauntyan on March xiii, 2012:

nice lens

JCSmandy on February 02, 2012:

nice lens... perfect

Nicholas Weller (author) on Jan 22, 2012:

@jupiter justice: Thank you!

Asher Socrates from Los Angeles, CA on Jan 21, 2012:

Great work on this Lens!

fitnessdad70 on January 18, 2012:

Fruit ninja on kinect is fun and a good workout

Nicholas Weller (author) on January xiv, 2012:

@shoefiend: Thanks, and yeah that game is addicting.

shoefiend on January xiv, 2012:

Those are all sick split screen game I play zombies way too much level 57 is my highest

fugeecat lm on January 08, 2012:

nifty lens all of the games are great.

ImmatureEntrepr on January 04, 2012:

Very absurd idea for a lens! Some great games hither too.


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